Why Yet Another Program?
For most, law school is unfortunately less about genuine mastery of the law than it is about two factors: (1) luck; and (2) mental gamesmanship.
. . . a game that about half will lose.
You will quite likely find this impossible to believe (until it’s too late). Yes, you were a stud in undergrad…and in high school before then. Yes, you think it won’t happen to you. [Of course, you’ll be one of the stars!] Yet for those who have attended law school, the reality sinks in. And for many, it is a miserable reality:
First, for a large percentage of law students this is the first time you’ve ever had real competition. Everyone (or nearly everyone) in law school was a stud in undergrad, high school, and before. They are all the shining apples of their teachers’ eyes, and so naturally all have been quite literally brought up to believe in themselves and their own superstar academic destiny.
Second, law school is unlike undergraduate study, and law exams are unlike any exams you have ever taken before. They are not “regurgitation” exercises—or, more accurately, they’re not just regurgitation exercises.
Finally, much, much more is riding on just a handful of grades than has ever ridden before. In undergrad, you aced a few and you lost a few, and generally all was forgiven as long as your overall GPA didn’t suffer too much. In law school, as unbelievable as it might seem, your entire career hinges upon fewer than a half-dozen exams…all in your first year of law school, when you’re most clueless about how to even approach the study of the law.
Why Are We Doing This?
Law school should be enjoyable, and it should be a challenge. But it should be an intellectual challenge of genuine value, not mere gamesmanship or one-upsmanship.
Law school should not be about how “hard” you’ve studied (in fact, that’s part of the problem); or about how many hours you’ve slaved at readings (another part of the problem); or how many pages you outline (yet another problem); or how many all-nighters you’ve pulled (danger!); or…
All are signs of the wrong approach to law school.
This matters too because—not to be too dramatic about it—our society depends upon a functioning legal system. This is a system at risk.
The editors of The Fine Print Press—all graduates of top law schools, several with law review experience—have after many years of prodding reluctantly decided that they must offer a way out of this dismal reality.
Law can be learned…and learned well…in far less time, with far greater enjoyment. We will show you how.
For information on Session I, held June 8 through July 3, 2009 for pre-law students, click here.
For information on Session II, held July 6 through July 31, 2009 for current law students seeking to reverse their collapse, (re)learn the law as it should be learned, and improve their grades, click here.