The Young Lawyer's Jungle Book
A Survival Guide
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Young Lawyer’s Jungle Book: A Survival Guide (second edition)

Who can forget the terror of a new job? Entering an unfamiliar world, with unknown expectations, is a nerve-wracking experience. In law, the new attorney is tackling not only a new job but also a very new, very different, and exceptionally stress-filled professional life...and mountains of student debt

Each year, tens of thousands of new law graduates enter an already saturated job market...yet many are ill-prepared for survival in an ever more unforgiving, fast-paced profession. As law students, you're offered a wide array of guidebooks to succeed in law school, to excel in law exams, and to pass the bar exam. Upon entering the real world of law, however, you are pushed back into a dark, dangerous jungle. The Young Lawyer's Jungle Book will be your guide to help you find your way to safety . . . and career success.

The Young Lawyer's Jungle Book is a survival guide for the new attorney, with in-depth advice on law office life, including working with senior attorneys, legal research, memos, drafting, mistakes, grammar, email, workload, timesheets, reviews, teamwork, deportment, attitude, perspective, working with clients (and dissatisfied clients), working with office staff, using office tools, and, well, not just surviving but thriving in a new career. The Young Lawyer's Jungle Book is written for all law graduates, for any law office: a firm (large, medium, or small), an agency, a corporation, or the military.

From the Author

The assumption among many partners is that, if you are worthy, you'll divine what is right (if, indeed, you don't already magically possess it). That is profoundly unjust. Few fresh JDs have what it takes from the word "GO," and those few who do might be more, not less, prone to trouble by their precociousness. Although no maturation process can be cleansed to painlessness, the one in law is expecially caustic. Yet new associates who are told they took a wrong turn aren't even given a map to know where the turn was. The Young Lawyer's Jungle Book is the map.

About the Author

Messinger earned an M.B.A. from Texas State University, followed by a law degree from the University of Texas Law School, where he served as an editor of the Texas Law Review.

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