Law School and LSAT Stuff

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[From Thane Messinger, added July 31, 1997:] Okayyy...I wasn't going to touch the billions of LSAT and law school books, but I suppose I should...especially given my odd background. Many of the current prep books were not available before I went to law school, and I was soooooo poor (How poor were you....?! ) ... I couldn't even afford to buy the test prep guides, much less spring for a billion-dollar prep course. Though I did okay, I wouldn't recommend that method. If you're serious about law school, you must be serious about getting in. You should focus very, very carefully on the law school application process, and you should devote at least several months to preparation for the LSAT. (I orignally typed six months, which I think is a reasonable estimate.) At a minimum, you should buy a series of test booklets--one at a time--for a constant flow of study material. Don't buy them all at once; you'll be overwhelmed. If you can afford a course, way ta' go. (But you should still prepare extra, on the side.)'s a list of books. (I am not commenting on their relative quality, in part because most are available more for the mental exercise than for any lasting memories. I thus didn't go through each in any detail. I left out only one book, mostly because its copyright date was a bit stale. Start with the general reference books (along with your application materials) -- then work as many LSAT books 'til you're sick of 'em...then work a few more.

A quick note, while I'm at it: have a positive attitude about the LSAT. Perhaps I'm just wierd, but I really enjoyed it. I thought it a good test, both technically and philosophically. This is your chance to show 'em what you're made of. Take it seriously. Don't resent it. And give it your all. It's very, very important. (But perhaps I repeat myself.)

On the other books, buy one to get a feel for it (or check them out from a library), then buy additional books as you get further along (if you feel the need). As to the relative quality of the other books, I'll plead the Fifth. I've read some (years ago); I have not read others. Again, we're not dealing with brain surgery, and it's difficult to compare the relative worth of books that explain the basics. I wish I could point to one or two with certainty, but I can't. The point is to go into the law with your eyes open...and your brain prepared.

[Feb. 15, 1998: An exception to the above notation: I've just read a manuscript for Planet Law School, and I understand it's now being published (by the same publisher as for my book). Planet Law School is by far the best guidebook for law students or for future law students. If you can't afford it, get it from your local library. (Gee...I hope the publisher doesn't see this.) I wish I had had a book like Planet Law School, way back when.]

1.51 About All the Law Schools:

1.515 Is that too much?!? Go to Park Place...

1.52 All About Law School:

1.53 All About the LSAT:

1.54 Getting In!

1.55 Before your Summer or Judicial "Clerkship"

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Last revised: Feb. 1999.

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