Jagged Rocks of Wisdom: Negotiation
Mastering the Art of the Deal
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Jagged Rocks of Wisdon: Negotiation

There are numerous books in negotiation. This book is based in actual, real-world experience, and offers practical, usable advice. With more than a decade of experience in law practice at a national law firm, plus years coaching new attorneys, Lund’s no-nonsense advice on negotiation perfectly complements the advice in the first two Jagged Rocks of Wisdom books.

Jagged Rocks of Wisdom - Negotiation is the third in a planned series of four Jagged Rocks of Wisdom guidebooks for new attorneys. The first book, Jagged Rocks of Wisdom: Professional Advice for the New Attorney, focuses on issues of professional deportment and training. The second book, Jagged Rocks of Wisdom - The Memo: Mastering the Legal Memorandum, focuses on preparing the new law associate in the crucial skills of legal research and writing.

This book breaks the process of a central lawyer skill—negotiation—into 21 Rules. Lund offers a structured framework for negotiation, and explains in concrete steps how to achieve a desired result. Lund explains and applies these Rules with dozens of real-life anecdotes and “Pro Tips” for immediate use.

This book will appeal to business and community leaders as well. It focuses on one of the most important tasks for any attorney or leader: negotiation. Given its broader market appeal, it is priced below comparable negotiation titles.

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