Law school presents six major legal topics in the first year alone, each with dozens of cases and hundreds of additional sources. Law students are smart—very smart—but are unfamiliar with the terminology and reasoning of the law, as well as with the framework of how each subject fits into a broader legal framework. Within that framework, each subject is easier to comprehend. Without it, students stumble and then flounder. Worse, the study and exam techniques that vaulted law students to the top in college…are deadly once in law school. The result is confusion, frustration, and even failure. Further, the level of competition in law school is higher—far higher—than it ever is in college: everyone in law school is “the star,” and all now compete together…with a forced curve. Law School: Getting In, Getting Good, Getting the Gold will help law students learn the law on a deeper level of understanding—but without the wasted effort that sinks many. In short: how to learn the law in less time and with better retention, comprehension, and genuine understanding.
This book is not a “secret” to law school success…but it will seem like one. More importantly, it will help you to avoid the traps into which many law students fall—traps of conventional study (absolutely the wrong way to study law), conventional preparation (a disaster that you won’t realize until it’s too late), and conventional exam taking (a recipe for failure). And even if you go into law school not caring about the practical implications of acing your exams, debt that will often exceed the payment for a house will re-focus your energies as repayment looms. Most importantly, Law School: Getting In, Getting Good, Getting the Gold offers two solutions: (1) a better level of study, preparation, and exam-taking with (2) less effort and much less stress. (Note: This is not a claim to “no effort,” but rather less effort. This is accomplished through an elimination of wasted effort.)
That is a key to law school success, and indeed to success in the law. Law School: Getting In, Getting Good, Getting the Gold will show you how.